Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lions and Polo Ponies

I go through spiral bound notebooks like there is no tomorrow.  At work, I have to have something to scribble on, otherwise I completely lose focus.  A fresh list every day.  I think my colleague who holds the stationary cupboard key is sick of the sight of me.  So, I designed a slip cover, that makes these notebooks a little prettier, but also is a good way of enjoying a pretty fabric. This is Amy Butler Lotus Wallflower in sky on the cover and Chez Moi Hunky Dory Mosaic in sparrow for the pocket. 

I really like the Hunky Dory fabrics.  Not as a collection, which I think is too wishy-washy for me, but every time I'm in the quilt shop, I just happen to pull out bolts of the individual fabrics. 

This particular one is not for work use, and is storing little snippets of stuff.  Like the business cards I pick up in restauraunts, and pages pulled out of the Sunday supplements.  And on page one is a reminder of the waiter who told me, after he asked me what I did (I'm an animal nutritionist), that his South-African family is mad keen on polo and breeds lions for a living.  I kid you not.  Lions. 

1 comment:

Linda said...

I love them!