So you may remember I am knitting
Moonshine, from Rowan Classic Style, using
Sirdar's Denim Aran in Aspen. I would once have called myself a yarn snob, but, I love this yarn, despite it's acrylic-ness. Its a great cotton blend, and although most of the colours are a bit wishy washy for my taste, the newer ones are great, well saturated shades. Anyway, I digress. I've been kniting this since well, since this book came out, last autumn. I've missed the boat for this winter, so it's kind of gone on the back burner. It is a slow (due to the double moss stitch), monotonous knit that seems to go on for ever. I think it's going to need a lot of careful blocking (when do I ever do
that??) as all the pieces I've done so far (the back, one sleeve and half a front) don't sit squarely when I lay them out. I'm not sure why, my knitting is correct, I'm sure. But, it will be great when its done, and be the knid of item I hope to wear a lot. Here is the half knitted front.....
And here's that yarn I bought last weekend although the project is covert!
My lovely friend Amanda warned me a while back that fabric was addictive as yarn and she was right. I think I have a problem. I bought this is JL yesterday and I need more. I just love it's kitschy cottagey feel. And only £5 a metre. If I wasn't so broke my mum had to fill my car up yesterday (Before you all panic that James, Daphne, Velma, Monty and I are about to starve, I get paid on Friday and mum bought us a big bag of organic veg yesterday too, not that that would help the catties!) I would have bought the whole bolt!! So far, it's been made in to a little surprise treat to go into my package for the lovely Molly.
Here too is a selection of the fabric that came home from Ripon last weekend.... As you can see, I clearly don't need more fabric.
I hope you all have lovely spring sunshine streaming through your windows today, just like we have. Happy Sunday everyone.